An ERPO is an Extreme Risk Protection Order-- also sometimes known as a Red Flag law. These laws allow for a judge to temporarily prevent someone from accessing guns if there is evidence that they are a danger to themselves or others. ERPOs are used in situations such as a loved one considering suicide, or law enforcement noticing signs of violent acts. An example of a situation that could have been remedied by an ERPO is the Parkland school shooting in 2018. The mass shooter was repeatedly reported to law enforcement because of threatening behavior. ERPOs allow families and law enforcement to be proactive and prevent deaths.
HB167 is an extremely common sense piece of legislation. It would require that a gunowner lock their gun in an unattended vehicle. Many of the guns used in crimes are stolen, and 1/3 of guns stolen are stolen from cars. This bill would not only prevent crime, it would also protect gunowners from a potential connection to a crime.
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